hirxeth: “You don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance pass, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton.”Amélie (2001) dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
hirxeth: “You don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance pass, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton.”Amélie (2001) dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
hirxeth: “You don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance pass, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton.”Amélie (2001) dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
hirxeth: “You don’t have bones of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance pass, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton.”Amélie (2001) dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet