lelianamelisandre: Afternoon self portrait by Leliana Melissa Less and less sunlight. But when it’s there I do what I enjoy the most; get undressed and bask in the sun like a cat.(Please keep credit and caption intact when reblogging)
lelianamelisandre: Afternoon self portrait by Leliana Melissa Less and less sunlight. But when it’s there I do what I enjoy the most; get undressed and bask in the sun like a cat.(Please keep credit and caption intact when reblogging)
lelianamelisandre: Afternoon self portrait by Leliana Melissa Less and less sunlight. But when it’s there I do what I enjoy the most; get undressed and bask in the sun like a cat.(Please keep credit and caption intact when reblogging)
lelianamelisandre: Afternoon self portrait by Leliana Melissa Less and less sunlight. But when it’s there I do what I enjoy the most; get undressed and bask in the sun like a cat.(Please keep credit and caption intact when reblogging)