melting-in-white: Kantou Dogeza Kumiai 関東土下座組合 This song has no exact and comprehensible lyrics, if referring to Ruki’s singing in live or even the pv itself even though in the lyrics book there are actually some sentences written there.
melting-in-white: Kantou Dogeza Kumiai 関東土下座組合 This song has no exact and comprehensible lyrics, if referring to Ruki’s singing in live or even the pv itself even though in the lyrics book there are actually some sentences written there.
melting-in-white: Kantou Dogeza Kumiai 関東土下座組合 This song has no exact and comprehensible lyrics, if referring to Ruki’s singing in live or even the pv itself even though in the lyrics book there are actually some sentences written there.