sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato
sci-universe: Zooming in from a broad view of the Milky Way on the star formation region Gum 41 (constellation of Centaurus)Credit: European Southern Observatory; Nick Risinger; Hisayoshi Kato