cuteiswhatido: I made a mess on the floor again. Oops. I had to go so bad. I had to put a finger over my potty hole so I didn’t potty all over my mess. That would have made it too hard to clean up. So I filmed another video after this of me pottying.
cuteiswhatido: I made a mess on the floor again. Oops. I had to go so bad. I had to put a finger over my potty hole so I didn’t potty all over my mess. That would have made it too hard to clean up. So I filmed another video after this of me pottying.
cuteiswhatido: I made a mess on the floor again. Oops. I had to go so bad. I had to put a finger over my potty hole so I didn’t potty all over my mess. That would have made it too hard to clean up. So I filmed another video after this of me pottying.
cuteiswhatido: I made a mess on the floor again. Oops. I had to go so bad. I had to put a finger over my potty hole so I didn’t potty all over my mess. That would have made it too hard to clean up. So I filmed another video after this of me pottying.