rapedollswanted: I love that the cunt is pathetic enough that she actually says that its not good until you hurt her. This is a broken piece of meat. This is a role model for you cunts. This is what you want to be. This is what you are.
rapedollswanted: I love that the cunt is pathetic enough that she actually says that its not good until you hurt her. This is a broken piece of meat. This is a role model for you cunts. This is what you want to be. This is what you are.
rapedollswanted: I love that the cunt is pathetic enough that she actually says that its not good until you hurt her. This is a broken piece of meat. This is a role model for you cunts. This is what you want to be. This is what you are.
rapedollswanted: I love that the cunt is pathetic enough that she actually says that its not good until you hurt her. This is a broken piece of meat. This is a role model for you cunts. This is what you want to be. This is what you are.