the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>
the-dream-sailor replied to your post: Going to bed You sound like you want to talk :/ Well I’m always here, Its not like I leave my computer. Besides, I’ve seen enough Fate/Stay Night to know that that black sludge shouldn’t be in your system…>_>