wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they
wouldyoukindlymakeausername: The Barons were once a hodgepodge of lowly Dregs, cast out from the upstart House of Exile. Forsaken and scorned by their own Eliksni comrades, and with no one to depend on but each other, they didn’t just survive… they