masao-micchi: Headcanon that Dr. Flug does and imagines crazy stuff when he’s extremely sleep deprived <3And apparently he can make BH stutter?? //wink wONKALSO i don’t know if Dr Flug should be blonde or a brunette i’m so torn between the 2
masao-micchi: Headcanon that Dr. Flug does and imagines crazy stuff when he’s extremely sleep deprived <3And apparently he can make BH stutter?? //wink wONKALSO i don’t know if Dr Flug should be blonde or a brunette i’m so torn between the 2
masao-micchi: Headcanon that Dr. Flug does and imagines crazy stuff when he’s extremely sleep deprived <3And apparently he can make BH stutter?? //wink wONKALSO i don’t know if Dr Flug should be blonde or a brunette i’m so torn between the 2
masao-micchi: Headcanon that Dr. Flug does and imagines crazy stuff when he’s extremely sleep deprived <3And apparently he can make BH stutter?? //wink wONKALSO i don’t know if Dr Flug should be blonde or a brunette i’m so torn between the 2