rookbodhi: me, a bisexual: i think this character is gaysomeone, knocking my door down: but what if they were bisexual? did you know that bisexuality exists? nice to see you don’t believe bisexuality is real you bme: please get out of my house
rookbodhi: me, a bisexual: i think this character is gaysomeone, knocking my door down: but what if they were bisexual? did you know that bisexuality exists? nice to see you don’t believe bisexuality is real you bme: please get out of my house
rookbodhi: me, a bisexual: i think this character is gaysomeone, knocking my door down: but what if they were bisexual? did you know that bisexuality exists? nice to see you don’t believe bisexuality is real you bme: please get out of my house