coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan
coralus: I have done nothing in this whole day but to draw on this blank cover of Empire of Stone;; I enjoyed myself inking for the first time in Transformers fandom, and was glad it came out pretty great! ( ◜◒◝ ) The drawing is only a fan