gunthatshootsennui: kiratsukai: digg: Don’t put CDs in the microwave. unless you want them TO LOOK AWESOME Another conversation between Perceptor & Brainstorm. ^
gunthatshootsennui: kiratsukai: digg: Don’t put CDs in the microwave. unless you want them TO LOOK AWESOME Another conversation between Perceptor & Brainstorm. ^
gunthatshootsennui: kiratsukai: digg: Don’t put CDs in the microwave. unless you want them TO LOOK AWESOME Another conversation between Perceptor & Brainstorm. ^
gunthatshootsennui: kiratsukai: digg: Don’t put CDs in the microwave. unless you want them TO LOOK AWESOME Another conversation between Perceptor & Brainstorm. ^