uniformshark: Suddenly babies. (Taiglate is a babu anyway but have him hatched just a moment ago) I wanted to draw how Cyclonus found Tailgate but then I ended up drawing him as hatchling too. I was curious how he would look weh… Well next time then!
uniformshark: Suddenly babies. (Taiglate is a babu anyway but have him hatched just a moment ago) I wanted to draw how Cyclonus found Tailgate but then I ended up drawing him as hatchling too. I was curious how he would look weh… Well next time then!
uniformshark: Suddenly babies. (Taiglate is a babu anyway but have him hatched just a moment ago) I wanted to draw how Cyclonus found Tailgate but then I ended up drawing him as hatchling too. I was curious how he would look weh… Well next time then!