Kawakubo Shinatro, the editor of Isayama Hajime and Shingeki no Kyojin, showcases a notable page from chapter 77 of the manga on Bessatsu Shonen’s monthly Nico Nico live stream!The chapter is in the current (February 2016) issue of Bessatsu Shonen.
Kawakubo Shinatro, the editor of Isayama Hajime and Shingeki no Kyojin, showcases a notable page from chapter 77 of the manga on Bessatsu Shonen’s monthly Nico Nico live stream!The chapter is in the current (February 2016) issue of Bessatsu Shonen.
Kawakubo Shinatro, the editor of Isayama Hajime and Shingeki no Kyojin, showcases a notable page from chapter 77 of the manga on Bessatsu Shonen’s monthly Nico Nico live stream!The chapter is in the current (February 2016) issue of Bessatsu Shonen.