suniuz dug around SnK episode 13 endcard illustrator Yusuke Nomura’s old tweets and discovered his original sketches! I wonder if Levi & Mikasa will dominate the end cards again come season 2…
suniuz dug around SnK episode 13 endcard illustrator Yusuke Nomura’s old tweets and discovered his original sketches! I wonder if Levi & Mikasa will dominate the end cards again come season 2…
suniuz dug around SnK episode 13 endcard illustrator Yusuke Nomura’s old tweets and discovered his original sketches! I wonder if Levi & Mikasa will dominate the end cards again come season 2…
suniuz dug around SnK episode 13 endcard illustrator Yusuke Nomura’s old tweets and discovered his original sketches! I wonder if Levi & Mikasa will dominate the end cards again come season 2…
suniuz dug around SnK episode 13 endcard illustrator Yusuke Nomura’s old tweets and discovered his original sketches! I wonder if Levi & Mikasa will dominate the end cards again come season 2…