vitaminkae: The dumb things I think of when I work overnight shifts. I love dorky Erwin. Full view, if you wanna see Erwin’s chin hair! X) Can I please get an OVA based on their trainee days? Please?
vitaminkae: The dumb things I think of when I work overnight shifts. I love dorky Erwin. Full view, if you wanna see Erwin’s chin hair! X) Can I please get an OVA based on their trainee days? Please?
vitaminkae: The dumb things I think of when I work overnight shifts. I love dorky Erwin. Full view, if you wanna see Erwin’s chin hair! X) Can I please get an OVA based on their trainee days? Please?
vitaminkae: The dumb things I think of when I work overnight shifts. I love dorky Erwin. Full view, if you wanna see Erwin’s chin hair! X) Can I please get an OVA based on their trainee days? Please?
vitaminkae: The dumb things I think of when I work overnight shifts. I love dorky Erwin. Full view, if you wanna see Erwin’s chin hair! X) Can I please get an OVA based on their trainee days? Please?