psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t
psych0galvanic: What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me sick. Everybody knew she was in trouble. But we didn’t do a thing. Who killed the Prom Queen?! You did. We all did. And pretty words won’t