herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little
herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little
herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little
herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little
herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little
herbookofcoins: Following on from my previous post, these are some photos I took on the same roll of film as the farm cottages. This is the farm house. A huge 4 storey building in a high state of ruin and consequently very interesting! I was a little