vishapslayer: efrondarabbit: The Zelda 64I bought a 64, took it apart, painted the shell and wired in 9 LEDs (5 blue, 4 white)(And painted the controller too ( ´∀`) ) This is however, a birthday gift for someone special. So I have to
vishapslayer: efrondarabbit: The Zelda 64I bought a 64, took it apart, painted the shell and wired in 9 LEDs (5 blue, 4 white)(And painted the controller too ( ´∀`) ) This is however, a birthday gift for someone special. So I have to
vishapslayer: efrondarabbit: The Zelda 64I bought a 64, took it apart, painted the shell and wired in 9 LEDs (5 blue, 4 white)(And painted the controller too ( ´∀`) ) This is however, a birthday gift for someone special. So I have to
vishapslayer: efrondarabbit: The Zelda 64I bought a 64, took it apart, painted the shell and wired in 9 LEDs (5 blue, 4 white)(And painted the controller too ( ´∀`) ) This is however, a birthday gift for someone special. So I have to
vishapslayer: efrondarabbit: The Zelda 64I bought a 64, took it apart, painted the shell and wired in 9 LEDs (5 blue, 4 white)(And painted the controller too ( ´∀`) ) This is however, a birthday gift for someone special. So I have to