superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.
superbmarksman: get to know me: [2/5] video games → Mass Effect 2 We don’t know how many the Collectors have stolen. Thousands, hundreds of thousands. It’s not important. What matters is this: Not. One. More. That’s what we can do here, today.