incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.
incorrecthomosexuals:Sokka: Ah yes, baguettes, the snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir.Baker: What??Zuko: Ignore him.