out-in-the-open: And he did. Sam and Dean talking about their father. I love this scene. And the look they share. It’s so obvious how much they love him and miss him even after all these years.
out-in-the-open: And he did. Sam and Dean talking about their father. I love this scene. And the look they share. It’s so obvious how much they love him and miss him even after all these years.
out-in-the-open: And he did. Sam and Dean talking about their father. I love this scene. And the look they share. It’s so obvious how much they love him and miss him even after all these years.
out-in-the-open: And he did. Sam and Dean talking about their father. I love this scene. And the look they share. It’s so obvious how much they love him and miss him even after all these years.
out-in-the-open: And he did. Sam and Dean talking about their father. I love this scene. And the look they share. It’s so obvious how much they love him and miss him even after all these years.