radioactivesoup: #Just when you think Steve’s got a new pal #how sweet # NOPE #brock rumlow (via libertinem) #the utter betrayal i felt#it was disproportionate#it wasn’t even happening to me#and i was like ‘NO. YOU CHARMED ME. HOW DARE
radioactivesoup: #Just when you think Steve’s got a new pal #how sweet # NOPE #brock rumlow (via libertinem) #the utter betrayal i felt#it was disproportionate#it wasn’t even happening to me#and i was like ‘NO. YOU CHARMED ME. HOW DARE
radioactivesoup: #Just when you think Steve’s got a new pal #how sweet # NOPE #brock rumlow (via libertinem) #the utter betrayal i felt#it was disproportionate#it wasn’t even happening to me#and i was like ‘NO. YOU CHARMED ME. HOW DARE
radioactivesoup: #Just when you think Steve’s got a new pal #how sweet # NOPE #brock rumlow (via libertinem) #the utter betrayal i felt#it was disproportionate#it wasn’t even happening to me#and i was like ‘NO. YOU CHARMED ME. HOW DARE