diracpointless: pinkandgreenlivingthedream: the-tinymermaid: nothing is permanent, the art of letting go Love this so, so much Yeah, except when you take a picture of it and put it on the internet. Now this art will last forever. This art has been
diracpointless: pinkandgreenlivingthedream: the-tinymermaid: nothing is permanent, the art of letting go Love this so, so much Yeah, except when you take a picture of it and put it on the internet. Now this art will last forever. This art has been
diracpointless: pinkandgreenlivingthedream: the-tinymermaid: nothing is permanent, the art of letting go Love this so, so much Yeah, except when you take a picture of it and put it on the internet. Now this art will last forever. This art has been