fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts
fairycosmos: me: compulsively switches between the same 4 apps for 12 hours straight because i’m absolutely incapable of being left alone w my thoughts