shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*
shaolinbynature: person: “wooooow. so you’re seriously about to quit watching a show just because they killed-” ME: Me anytime a lead or important character either gets killed or the writers push them to the background. *sideeyes @ sleepy hollow*