superheroesincolor: Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts #MECCAcon2015 @MECCAcon “Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA, aka MECCAcon, is a large comic book and artist convention held annually in Detroit, MI. The primary
superheroesincolor: Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts #MECCAcon2015 @MECCAcon “Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA, aka MECCAcon, is a large comic book and artist convention held annually in Detroit, MI. The primary
superheroesincolor: Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts #MECCAcon2015 @MECCAcon “Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA, aka MECCAcon, is a large comic book and artist convention held annually in Detroit, MI. The primary
superheroesincolor: Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts #MECCAcon2015 @MECCAcon “Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA, aka MECCAcon, is a large comic book and artist convention held annually in Detroit, MI. The primary
superheroesincolor: Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts #MECCAcon2015 @MECCAcon “Midwest Ethnic Convention for Comics and Arts - MECCA, aka MECCAcon, is a large comic book and artist convention held annually in Detroit, MI. The primary