argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s
argea: also that ancestry shit is bunk science there are no genetic markers that indicate nationality, only ethnicity and obviously ethnicity is not isolated to specific geographic areas like if my grandkid wanted to figure out where his grandmother’s