iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich
iammyfather: oxfordcommaforever: entitledrichpeople: cesiumadventures: one of the things that’s truly fucked up about our legal system is the way that the law is applied to poor people vs rich people and corporations, and not just in the “rich