hotta-than-ice: the-rain-monster: thechronicleofshe: collegehumor: Relatable. Office Job vs Retail Job by @noobtheloser Check out Confessions of a Retail Worker “ go fuck yourself” “oh” #realism I have done both of these. Completely
hotta-than-ice: the-rain-monster: thechronicleofshe: collegehumor: Relatable. Office Job vs Retail Job by @noobtheloser Check out Confessions of a Retail Worker “ go fuck yourself” “oh” #realism I have done both of these. Completely
hotta-than-ice: the-rain-monster: thechronicleofshe: collegehumor: Relatable. Office Job vs Retail Job by @noobtheloser Check out Confessions of a Retail Worker “ go fuck yourself” “oh” #realism I have done both of these. Completely