Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt
Working in the scorching sun changing oil and fixing flats because I was the low man on the pole and there were no more bays in the shop available and you out there from 7am to 6pm with no breaks whatsoever because y'all were busy as hell and you felt