girlebony: Captions from top to bottom: 1. “The sexual slaves of Boko Haram are angry” “Don’t touch our welfare benefits!” 2. “Michael Jackson finally white.” 3. "The Koran is shit" “Can’t stop bullets.”
girlebony: Captions from top to bottom: 1. “The sexual slaves of Boko Haram are angry” “Don’t touch our welfare benefits!” 2. “Michael Jackson finally white.” 3. "The Koran is shit" “Can’t stop bullets.”
girlebony: Captions from top to bottom: 1. “The sexual slaves of Boko Haram are angry” “Don’t touch our welfare benefits!” 2. “Michael Jackson finally white.” 3. "The Koran is shit" “Can’t stop bullets.”
girlebony: Captions from top to bottom: 1. “The sexual slaves of Boko Haram are angry” “Don’t touch our welfare benefits!” 2. “Michael Jackson finally white.” 3. "The Koran is shit" “Can’t stop bullets.”