jcoleknowsbest: invisibleblackunicorn: mimicryisnotmastery: blackbabesupremacy: What happened in Puerto Rico I wanna know what happened in Puerto Rico It’s too late for me to remember where I put the receipts for this, but IIRC more experiments
jcoleknowsbest: invisibleblackunicorn: mimicryisnotmastery: blackbabesupremacy: What happened in Puerto Rico I wanna know what happened in Puerto Rico It’s too late for me to remember where I put the receipts for this, but IIRC more experiments
jcoleknowsbest: invisibleblackunicorn: mimicryisnotmastery: blackbabesupremacy: What happened in Puerto Rico I wanna know what happened in Puerto Rico It’s too late for me to remember where I put the receipts for this, but IIRC more experiments