theamandalynn: damndarrenineedacigarettenow: spatsula: beautifulwhatsyourhurry: muchacha11: chocolatejigglypuff: angriestboy: And now, with kids shows, we’re afraid to touch on subjects like death, divorce, and homosexuality, lest the parents
theamandalynn: damndarrenineedacigarettenow: spatsula: beautifulwhatsyourhurry: muchacha11: chocolatejigglypuff: angriestboy: And now, with kids shows, we’re afraid to touch on subjects like death, divorce, and homosexuality, lest the parents
theamandalynn: damndarrenineedacigarettenow: spatsula: beautifulwhatsyourhurry: muchacha11: chocolatejigglypuff: angriestboy: And now, with kids shows, we’re afraid to touch on subjects like death, divorce, and homosexuality, lest the parents
theamandalynn: damndarrenineedacigarettenow: spatsula: beautifulwhatsyourhurry: muchacha11: chocolatejigglypuff: angriestboy: And now, with kids shows, we’re afraid to touch on subjects like death, divorce, and homosexuality, lest the parents