fuckyeadance: GRV AUDITIONS WORKSHOPSsunday, august 28 with BAM MARTINtuesday, august 30 with DAVID LIMregistration starts at 7 PMworkshop starts at 8 PM$7 each $10 both AUDITIONSthursday, september 1registration starts at 7 PMauditions start at 8 PM
fuckyeadance: GRV AUDITIONS WORKSHOPSsunday, august 28 with BAM MARTINtuesday, august 30 with DAVID LIMregistration starts at 7 PMworkshop starts at 8 PM$7 each $10 both AUDITIONSthursday, september 1registration starts at 7 PMauditions start at 8 PM