jetplanejane-deactivated2017061: “Erik Spoelstra gets criticized because he’s got a great team. And a lot of people are just jealous of him being in that situation. But listen to what Pat Riley said: from series to series he got better as a coach.”
jetplanejane-deactivated2017061: “Erik Spoelstra gets criticized because he’s got a great team. And a lot of people are just jealous of him being in that situation. But listen to what Pat Riley said: from series to series he got better as a coach.”
jetplanejane-deactivated2017061: “Erik Spoelstra gets criticized because he’s got a great team. And a lot of people are just jealous of him being in that situation. But listen to what Pat Riley said: from series to series he got better as a coach.”
jetplanejane-deactivated2017061: “Erik Spoelstra gets criticized because he’s got a great team. And a lot of people are just jealous of him being in that situation. But listen to what Pat Riley said: from series to series he got better as a coach.”
jetplanejane-deactivated2017061: “Erik Spoelstra gets criticized because he’s got a great team. And a lot of people are just jealous of him being in that situation. But listen to what Pat Riley said: from series to series he got better as a coach.”