jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file
jesuisrien-e:Imprinted Desire Two hours and 14 minutes… He has been standing here in his room while my voice drones on and on, as it deeply sears into the depths of his subconsciousness. He is completely transfixed by the gentle tones in the file