hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They
hypnopum:You were teetering, on the edge of trance. Feeling every muscle in your body, limp, loose, relaxed. And somehow, you were standing. It felt like their words were the only thing keeping you upright. “Do you want to drop for me, pet?” They