isherlolly: xxnatasharose: MY ANCIENT HISTORY SUB LOOKS LIKE MOLLY HOOPER AND ACTS LIKE HER AND SHE HAS FAMILY IN LONDON and she let me take a picture of her, even though she got kind of shy (which was adorable) oh god she does!
isherlolly: xxnatasharose: MY ANCIENT HISTORY SUB LOOKS LIKE MOLLY HOOPER AND ACTS LIKE HER AND SHE HAS FAMILY IN LONDON and she let me take a picture of her, even though she got kind of shy (which was adorable) oh god she does!
isherlolly: xxnatasharose: MY ANCIENT HISTORY SUB LOOKS LIKE MOLLY HOOPER AND ACTS LIKE HER AND SHE HAS FAMILY IN LONDON and she let me take a picture of her, even though she got kind of shy (which was adorable) oh god she does!