world-wide-resource: Here, we see members of the lower 60% being trained as a urinal. They are very nice urinals I think. I guess the one that still has her cloths on is on it’s first day of the job, and it’s owner(s) didn’t want to wait too much
world-wide-resource: Here, we see members of the lower 60% being trained as a urinal. They are very nice urinals I think. I guess the one that still has her cloths on is on it’s first day of the job, and it’s owner(s) didn’t want to wait too much
world-wide-resource: Here, we see members of the lower 60% being trained as a urinal. They are very nice urinals I think. I guess the one that still has her cloths on is on it’s first day of the job, and it’s owner(s) didn’t want to wait too much