jiraiah: jiraiah: hhhhhhhhhuuuu my moms still in jail and its almost christmas im ready to die 🙃 had to spend christmas without my mom so thats not great. i got to visit her but i think it made me feel more depressed than i was before i’m sorry
jiraiah: jiraiah: hhhhhhhhhuuuu my moms still in jail and its almost christmas im ready to die 🙃 had to spend christmas without my mom so thats not great. i got to visit her but i think it made me feel more depressed than i was before i’m sorry
jiraiah: jiraiah: hhhhhhhhhuuuu my moms still in jail and its almost christmas im ready to die 🙃 had to spend christmas without my mom so thats not great. i got to visit her but i think it made me feel more depressed than i was before i’m sorry
jiraiah: jiraiah: hhhhhhhhhuuuu my moms still in jail and its almost christmas im ready to die 🙃 had to spend christmas without my mom so thats not great. i got to visit her but i think it made me feel more depressed than i was before i’m sorry