aichuugame: 「New Rs and SRs are going to be added to the Premium scout」 The new SRs include the members from Re:Berserk and the new Rs are the members from Twinkle Bell
aichuugame: 「New Rs and SRs are going to be added to the Premium scout」 The new SRs include the members from Re:Berserk and the new Rs are the members from Twinkle Bell
aichuugame: 「New Rs and SRs are going to be added to the Premium scout」 The new SRs include the members from Re:Berserk and the new Rs are the members from Twinkle Bell
aichuugame: 「New Rs and SRs are going to be added to the Premium scout」 The new SRs include the members from Re:Berserk and the new Rs are the members from Twinkle Bell