opossummypossum: I present to you: another underappreciated lifeform. This is a pink fairy armadillo. Yes, that’s its actual name. Yes, it really exists. Yes, it kind of looks like a tiny leucistic mole stole its armor from a prawn. PINK ARMORED DIGGY
opossummypossum: I present to you: another underappreciated lifeform. This is a pink fairy armadillo. Yes, that’s its actual name. Yes, it really exists. Yes, it kind of looks like a tiny leucistic mole stole its armor from a prawn. PINK ARMORED DIGGY
opossummypossum: I present to you: another underappreciated lifeform. This is a pink fairy armadillo. Yes, that’s its actual name. Yes, it really exists. Yes, it kind of looks like a tiny leucistic mole stole its armor from a prawn. PINK ARMORED DIGGY
opossummypossum: I present to you: another underappreciated lifeform. This is a pink fairy armadillo. Yes, that’s its actual name. Yes, it really exists. Yes, it kind of looks like a tiny leucistic mole stole its armor from a prawn. PINK ARMORED DIGGY