oikylo: so like im pretty sure aobajousai has like volleyball banquets or smthn… and its formal dress and oikawa totally has a tie w an alien pattern this was just my excuse to draw iwaoi in bow ties BONUS, IWA PROBABLY NEEDS HELP TYING HIS TIE CAUSE
oikylo: so like im pretty sure aobajousai has like volleyball banquets or smthn… and its formal dress and oikawa totally has a tie w an alien pattern this was just my excuse to draw iwaoi in bow ties BONUS, IWA PROBABLY NEEDS HELP TYING HIS TIE CAUSE
oikylo: so like im pretty sure aobajousai has like volleyball banquets or smthn… and its formal dress and oikawa totally has a tie w an alien pattern this was just my excuse to draw iwaoi in bow ties BONUS, IWA PROBABLY NEEDS HELP TYING HIS TIE CAUSE