faiyuuhi: Iwaizumi’s lockscreen. In which he is a photographer and Oikawa is the center of his universe. ♥ ♥ Credit goes to @starlitciities for being a constant source of inspiration for me. Loosely based off their photographer iwaizumi AU.
faiyuuhi: Iwaizumi’s lockscreen. In which he is a photographer and Oikawa is the center of his universe. ♥ ♥ Credit goes to @starlitciities for being a constant source of inspiration for me. Loosely based off their photographer iwaizumi AU.
faiyuuhi: Iwaizumi’s lockscreen. In which he is a photographer and Oikawa is the center of his universe. ♥ ♥ Credit goes to @starlitciities for being a constant source of inspiration for me. Loosely based off their photographer iwaizumi AU.