bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves
bandfrombaltimore: “go back to your own country!” I yell at a white person. All of a sudden, their body starts to divide. 45% of their body flies to Italy. 16% goes back to Germany. 7% flies to Slovakia. 12% flies back to Russia. .45775097% leaves