imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch
imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch
imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch
imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch
imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch
imaginedmmd: imaginedmmd: imagine all the dmmd boys getting into a pillow fight (yes even mink). clear doesn’t realize his own strength and ends up hurting people in the process. the only person he can battle is mink and everyone gathers to watch