salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my
salmonking: xtoxictears: walkingsquid: This is LS 03. The 3rd large set I ever made. A light pastel violet that gradated to a deeper violet with a bit of gold fleck. Took about 30 hours to put togehter. This set sold at SDCC 13’ BUNNY Get on my