moare: I’ve found my calling. Crocheted dicks. This is my first attempt! I’m making another one with a slight tweak to this pattern and much, much larger yarn (so it’s going to be a pretty massive dong). After that, I’m going to experiment with
moare: I’ve found my calling. Crocheted dicks. This is my first attempt! I’m making another one with a slight tweak to this pattern and much, much larger yarn (so it’s going to be a pretty massive dong). After that, I’m going to experiment with
moare: I’ve found my calling. Crocheted dicks. This is my first attempt! I’m making another one with a slight tweak to this pattern and much, much larger yarn (so it’s going to be a pretty massive dong). After that, I’m going to experiment with
moare: I’ve found my calling. Crocheted dicks. This is my first attempt! I’m making another one with a slight tweak to this pattern and much, much larger yarn (so it’s going to be a pretty massive dong). After that, I’m going to experiment with
moare: I’ve found my calling. Crocheted dicks. This is my first attempt! I’m making another one with a slight tweak to this pattern and much, much larger yarn (so it’s going to be a pretty massive dong). After that, I’m going to experiment with