coolerthantheaveragejoe: nagittokomaeda: i dont actually have a personality ive just sucked up the personalities of all my favorite characters from when i was about 6 up until now #and they were all villians
coolerthantheaveragejoe: nagittokomaeda: i dont actually have a personality ive just sucked up the personalities of all my favorite characters from when i was about 6 up until now #and they were all villians
coolerthantheaveragejoe: nagittokomaeda: i dont actually have a personality ive just sucked up the personalities of all my favorite characters from when i was about 6 up until now #and they were all villians
coolerthantheaveragejoe: nagittokomaeda: i dont actually have a personality ive just sucked up the personalities of all my favorite characters from when i was about 6 up until now #and they were all villians